A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, W, X, Y, Z

A/A - Air to Air
AAM - Air-to-Air Missile
AB - Afterburner
ac, AC - Alternating Current
A/C GW - Aircraft Gross Weight
ACM - Air Combat Maneuvering
ACMI - Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation
ADC - Air Data Converter
ADG - Accessory Drive Gearbox
ADI - Attitude Director Indicator
AGL - Above Ground Level
AGM - Air-to-Ground Missile
AIFF - Advanced Identification, Friend or Foe
AIM - Air Intercept Missile
AIS - Aircraft Instrumentation System
AJ - Antijamming
AL - Aft/Left
ALOW - Automatic Low Altitude Warning
ALT - Altitude or Altimeter or Alternate
AM - Amplitude Modulation
AMMO - Ammunition
AMRAAM - Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile
ANT - Antenna
AOA - Angle of Attack
AP - Autopilot
AR, A/R - Air Refueling
ARI - Aileron-Rudder Interconnect
ARMT - Armament
ATT - Attitude
AUX - Auxiliary
AVTR - Airborne Videotape Recorder
BAK - Arresting Cable Prefix (e.g., BAK-9)
BARO - Barometric
BATT - Battery
BDU - Bomb Dummy Unit
BIT - Built-In Test or Binary Digit
BL - Buttock Line
BLU - Bomb Live Unit
BSU - Bomb Stabilizing Unit
BUC - Backup Fuel Control
CADC - Central Air Data Computer
CARA - Combined Altitude Radar Altimeter
CBU - Cluster Bomb Unit
CCIP - Continuously Computed Impact Point
CCRP - Continuously Computed Release Point
CCW - Counterclockwise
CDI - Course Deviation Indicator
CENC - Convergent Exhaust Nozzle Control
CG - Center of Gravity
CHAN - Channel
CIU - Central Interface Unit
CIVV's - Compressor Inlet Variable Vanes
CONFIG - Configuration
CONT - Control
C02 - Carbon Dioxide
CRIU - Conventional Remote Interface Unit
CRS - Course
CRV - Canadian Rocket Vehicle
CSD - Constant-Speed Drive
CTVS - Cockpit Television Sensor
CW - Clockwise
CWI - Continuous Wave Illuminator
DBA - Adjusted (human ear response) Decibels
dc, DC - Direct Current
DEEC - Digital Electronic Engine Control
DI - Drag Index
DIA - Diameter
DIFF - Differential
DIS - Disable
DISC - Disconnect
DME - Distance Measuring Equipment
DN - Down
DSG RS - Designate/Return to Search
DTOS - Dive Toss
DTU - Data Transfer Unit
DVAL - D-Value
DWAT - Descent Warning After Takeoff
EAS - Equivalent Airspeed
ECA - Electronic Component Assembly
ECM - Electronic Countermeasures
ECP - Engineering Change Proposal
ECS - Environmental Control System
EDU - Engine Diagnostic Unit
EEC - Electronic Engine Control
EED - Electroexplosive Device
ELECT - Electronic (primary altimeter operating mode)
ELEV - Elevation
EMER - Emergency
ENG - Engine
EO - Electro-Optical
EPAF - European Participating Air Force
EPU - Emergency Power Unit
EQUIP - Equipment
EST - Estimate
EXT - External
FALT ACK - Fault Acknowledge
FC - Flight Control
FCC - Fire Control Computer
FCNP - Fire Control/Navigation Panel
FCR - Fire Control Radar
FCS - Flight Control System
FF - Fuel Flow
FFAR - Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket
FFP - Fuel Flow Proportioner
FLCC - Flight Control Computer
FLCP - Flight Control Panel
FLCS - Flight Control System
FM - Frequency Modulation
FO - Foldout
FOD - Foreign Object Damage
FORM - Formation
fpm, FPM - Feet per Minute/Flightpath Marker
FR - Forward/Right
ft, FT - Feet
FTIT - Fan Turbine Inlet Temperature
FWD - Forward
g, G - Force of Gravity
gal, GAL - Gallon
GBU - Guided Bomb Unit
GCA - Ground Controlled Approach
GEN - Generator
GM - Ground Map
GND - Ground
GP - Group
GPS - Global Positioning System
GRDCUS - Gulf Range Drone Control Upgrade System
GS - Glide Slope
GW - Gross Weight
HDG - Heading
HDG SEL - Heading Select
HF - High Frequency
Hg - Mercury
HSI - Horizontal Situation Indicator
HUD - Head-Up Display
HYD - Hydraulic
HYDRAZN - Hydrazine
Hz - Hertz
IAS - Indicated Airspeed
IAW - In Accordance With
ID - Identification
IFF - Identification, Friend or Foe
ILS - Instrument Landing System
IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IMSP - Instrument Mode Select Panel
in., IN. - Inches
INC - Increase
IND - Indicator
INOP - Inoperative
INS - Inertial Navigation Set (or System)
INST, INSTR - Instrument
INT - Intensity or Internal or Interval
INU - Inertial Navigation Unit
I/P - Identification of Position
ISA - Integrated Servoactuator
JETT/JTSN - Jettison
JFS - Jet Fuel Starter
JOAP - Joint Oil Analysis Program
K - Thousand (e.g., 40K = 40,000)
KCAS - Knots Calibrated Airspeed
KEAS - Knots Equivalent Airspeed
KIAS - Knots Indicated Airspeed
KT(S) - Knot(s)
KTAS - Knots True Airspeed
KVA - Kilovolt Ampere

L - Left
LADD - Low Angle Drogue Delivery
LAU - Launcher Armament Unit
lb, LB - Pound(s)
LB/HR - Pounds per Hour
LB/MIN - Pounds per Minute
LCO - Limit Cycle Oscillation
LCOS - Lead Computing Optical Sight
LD - Load or Low Drag
LE - Leading Edge
LEF'S - Leading Edge Flaps
LG - Landing Gear
LMLG - Left Main Landing Gear
LOC - Localizer
LOD - Light-Off Detector
LOX - Liquid Oxygen
LPU - Life Preserver Unit
LRU - Line Replaceable Unit
LTS - Lights
LWD - Left Wing Down
M - Mach
MAAS - Mobile Aircraft Arrestment System
MAC - Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MAL - Malfunction
MAL & IND - Malfunction and Indicator
MAN. - Manual
MAU - Miscellaneous Armament Unit
MAX - Maximum
MAX AB - Maximum Afterburner
mb - Millibar
MECH - Mechanical
MEM - Memory
MFC - Main Fuel Control
MFL - Maintenance Fault List
MHz - Megahertz
MIC - Microphone
MIL - Military
MIN - Minute or Minimum
MK - Mark (Equivalent of Model)
MLG - Main Landing Gear
mm - Millimeter
MPBA - Multiple Practice Bomb Adapter
MRK BCN - Marker Beacon
msec - Milliseconds
MSL - Missile or Mean Sea Level
MUX BUS - Multiplex Bus
MWOD - Multiple Word of Day
NA - Not Applicable
NAM - Nautical Air Miles
NLG - Nose Landing Gear
nm - Nautical Miles
No., NO. - Number
NORM - Normal
NOZ POS - Nozzle Position
NWS - Nosewheel Steering
OAT - Outside Air Temperature
OCP - Organic Change Proposal
OHEAT - Overheat
OP - Operational or Optimum
OPT - Optional
OVRD - Override
OXY - Oxygen
PBG - Pressure Breathing for g
PIDS - Pylon Integrated Dispense System
PFL - Pilot Fault List
PLD - Personnel Lowering Device
PMG - Permanent Magnet Generator
PNEU - Pneumatic (secondary altimeter operating mode)
PNL - Panel
pph, PPH - Pounds per Hour
PRE - Preset
PRESS. - Pressure, Pressurization
PRI - Primary
PSA - Pneumatic Sensor Assembly
psi, PSI - Pounds per Square Inch
PTO - Power Takeoff (shaft from engine gearbox to ADG)
PWR - Power
QTY - Quantity
RAD - Radio (e.g., RAD 1 or RAD 2)
RCFI - Radio Channel/Frequency Indicator
RCR - Runway Condition Reading
RCVV - Rear Compressor Variable Vanes
RDR - Radar
RDY - Ready
REL - Release
REO - Radar/Electro-Optical
RER - Radial Error Rate
RET SRCH - Return to Search
RIT - Reduced Idle Thrust
RMLG - Right Main Landing Gear
RNDS - Rounds (gun)
RNG - Ranging
rpm, RPM - Revolutions per Minute
RS - Return to Search
RSVR - Reservoir
RT - Retarded
RV - Receive Variable
RWD - Right Wing Down
SAI - Standby Attitude Indicator
SCP - Stores Control Panel
SEC - Secondary Engine Control
SEL - Select
SEAWARS - Seawater Activated Release System
SFO - Simulated Flameout Landing
SIF - Selective Identification Feature
SL - Sea Level
SMS - Stores Management System
SNSR - Sensor
SPD BRK - Speedbrake
SPL - Sound Pressure Level
SQ - Squelch or Square
STA - Station
STAPAC - Stabilization Package
STBY - Standby
STD - Standard
SUU - Suspension Utility Unit
SV - Secure Voice
SW - Switch
SYM - Symmetrical
SYS - System
TACAN - Tactical Air Navigation
TAS - True Airspeed
TEF's - Trailing Edge Flaps
TEMP - Temperature
TER - Triple Ejector Rack
TEU - Trailing Edge Up
TGM - Training Guided Missile
TGT - Target
THEO - Theory
TISL - Target Identification Set, Laser
T.O. - Takeoff
TOD - Time of Day
TR, T/R - Transmit/Receive
TRV - Travel
TT - Total Temperature
TV - Television
TVS - Television Sensor
TWS - Threat Warning System
UFC - Unified Fuel Control
UHF - Ultra High Frequency
UNK - Unknown
VAC - Volts ac
VDC - Volts dc
VHF - Very High Frequency
VIP - Visual Initial Point
VMC - Visual Meteorological Conditions
VMS - Voice Message System
VOL - Volume
VVI - Vertical Velocity Indicator
W/ - With
WB - Wideband
W/O - Without
WOD - Word of Day
WOW - Weight on Wheels
WPN - Weapon
WPN REL - Weapon(s) Release
wt, WT - Weight
Y - Yaw



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